Wednesday 22 June 2011

Sharing Cam23 2.0 beyond the echochamber

It is great to see so many people signed up already and blogging about the first few Things! It's also wonderful to see a few non-librarians amongst the participants - although the programme was originally planned with librarians in mind it will be really interesting to see how those "on the other side of the desk" approach the Things.

With that in mind I'm really excited to announce a side competition which Phill Hall has just announced:
"I would like to put a challenge out to you, and as the Cam23 2.0 sponsor representative I will back this up with a special prize.
With Cam23 2.0 there will be a special prize on offer for the Librarian that represents clearly they have gone beyond the echo chamber with their blogs and discussions beyond interacting with just other librarians and show interactions / discussions with Cambridge University students / academics / staff / alumni / interested tag-alongs.
Learn a new application through Cam23, teach it to a couple of others and learn from them how they would use such a tool."
The whole post can be read here:

So as you're blogging about the Things, have a think about how you could share what you've learnt with your library users, and don't forget to let us know how you get on!

by Britta Bohlinger on Flickr

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